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  近日,加拿大视频博主柯克·阿佩兰(Kirk Apesland)在中国隔离期间发布的一则视频火了!

  自疫情暴发以来,西方媒体歪曲事实的报道层出不穷。在广西南宁隔离第十一天的柯克·阿佩兰决定在自己的视频节目Gweilo 60上揭批外媒。




  We all know that the Western media will tell negative stories about China. And I'm not just talking the United States, Canada, Great Britain, but pretty well every Five Eyes country or anybody that's sort of affiliated with them, like Japan. Well, I'm not even gonna say Taiwan region, because Taiwan region is China.

  “他们操纵媒体的做法如出一辙。” 柯克·阿佩兰认为:“问题不只在于这些媒体报道的内容,更在于他们描述的方式。他们在用词上耍手腕大做文章。”

  They go down the same road with the manipulation of the media, but it's not just the stories that they tell you in the news. It's the way that they portray it. It's the language manipulation that they use.




  China doesn't fire officials. They purge them.


  Corrupt Chinese officials don't get convicted for corruption, they lose power struggles.


  Chinese leaders don't strengthen laws. They concentrate power.


  China doesn't give out loans. They trap countries in debt. Oh yeah, well I've heard that a lot on the Belt and Road Initiative.


  Chinese leaders don't want their country to prosper peacefully. They are obsessed with stability.


  Countries and international organizations don't praise China. They pander to the increasing global influence.


  Chinese people don't attend rallies. They descend upon them.


  The Chinese media doesn't report news. It reports propaganda. This is the biggest one.


  China doesn't revise counting methodologies. It underreports cases. China doesn't revise counting methodologies. It underreports cases. Think about that one. Doesn't matter which numbers they take out and put out in the public, in the news, give their international partners. It's not true is what they're saying. They're underreported if it's bad. If it's good, well then it's over-reported. Of course, you know what I mean?


  China doesn't treat patients. It rounds them up.


  China doesn't requisition private hospitals during the health emergency by passing laws. It seizes them. It doesn't requisition. It seizes them.


  Chinese people are not patriotic. They're brainwashed.



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